Short Assignment #9

[Audience Strategy]


According to my textbook the 6 described key elements that make for an effective profile are:

  • Physical description,
  • Quotations from the subject,
  • Quotations about the subject,
  • Examples,
  • Anecdotes,
  • Factual information.

The key elements for writing a profile are linked to a physical description, one which is brief yet relevant (Blau and Burak) and contains interesting information to my audience. Leaning on quotations from the subject that will help to tell the story besides, it is an effective way to develop the main points of the profile by using the subject’s own words. Additionally, using other publications and exploring articles written about the subject will differentiate one’s point of view from other written previous material, using therefore the proper quotations about the subject for that effect. Providing examples that can link the material all together, particularly anecdotes. Lastly, to provide my audience with factual information. It is safe to assume that my audience is interested in the subject they are reading therefore, facts are present as they should. Facts, that are both relevant and interesting to my intended audience, such as all background material on the subject’s life journey.


Q. How is this Clooney profile typical of the genre profile, given the textbook’s requirements?

A. The George Clooney meets the requirements because, it involves all the 6 key elements listed above: Physical description, quotations from the subject, and about the subject, examples, anecdotes and factual information. Below some quotations from him and from people, somehow, related to him.

''At first, he found himself getting nervous—"freaking out." What if the dog didn't love him? Then he responded. "I had some turkey bacon in the refrigerator," he says. "I rubbed it on me. I'm not kidding. When she came over, the dog went crazy. He was all over me. The woman said, 'Oh, my God, he's never like this. He loves you. "(Esquire 2013)

''For example, he has declined to enlist in environmental causes not because he doesn't believe in them but because he's aware how it would look—"I probably wouldn't be a good spokesman for an electric car, because I'll still get on a private jet, and one flight on a private jet undoes all my electric-car good deeds."(Esquire 2013)

‘’For one thing, he's lovable, professionally so. For another, he leaves nothing to chance. If he can't win you over with his fame, his charm, and his good looks, he will win you over with preparation. It's not that he's needy, like an actor; it's that he's competitive, like an athlete.'' (Esquire 2013)

''Some band member had given him a ball of hash. And Rosemary said, "What did you do with the hash?" And he goes, "I've got it right here in my bag!" And she's like, "Are you out of your mind? We're on a plane! Get over there and flush that down the toilet!" And he's like, "Aw, c'mon, Rosie. Flush it down the toilet?" And he goes to the back of the airplane, and when he comes back she says, "Did you flush it down the toilet?" And he says, "No." And she says, "What did you do with it?" And he goes, "I ate it!" He spent the next twelve hours stoned. They carried him off the plane.''(Esquire 2013)

''On the walls of Clooney's home, there are a lot of photographs from powerful people, such as President Obama, who have written him in friendship and in gratitude. There is also a framed selection of neckties that once belonged to one powerful person in particular, John F. Kennedy. There are also many striking black-and-white photographs of Dino and Sammy horsing around in tuxedos. They go with the bar, which is arrayed with a swank skyline of liquors and cordials and on which is perched the figure of the fox that Wes Anderson used for the stop-motion animation of Fantastic Mr. Fox—Clooney was Mr. Fox; Mr. Fox was Clooney.''(Esquire 2013)

Q. How would you describe those readers?

A. George Clooney readers are obviously for the most part his fans they support him among them largely men, who relate to him in more ways than one - from his looks, career achievements, and celeb lifestyle.


Q. How well does the profiler/writer meet readers’ expectations/needs? Please quote from the Clooney profile in support.

A. I believe the profiler/ writer meets the characteristics because it describes his life in a timely fashion going into detail about how he became so cherished and successful. He is adored by many friends, family members and fans for being unapologetic himself, honest caring and funny. He is recognized not only in the celeb industry as an actor, writer, director, and producer George Clooney is also adored by many others for his simplicity and for making his voice heard on matters such as human rights causes - that he advocates for

''For example, he has declined to enlist in environmental causes not because he doesn't believe in them but because he's aware how it would look—"I probably wouldn't be a good spokesman for an electric car, because I'll still get on a private jet, and one flight on a private jet undoes all my electric-car good deeds."(Esquire 2013)

‘’(…) he's a man with a healthy superego, a famous person for whom fame functions as a kind of conscience. He knows what audiences want from him, in movie theaters; what gawkers want from him, on the red carpet; what reporters want from him, in interviews—and, by and large, he tries to give it to them.’’(Esquire)


For the second part, develop your own audience strategy for the genres that you’ve selected for Major Assignment #3, considering the following:

  • Who is your targeted audience in Major Assignment 3?

My audience is comprised of parents, adults, and emerging young adult gamers. There are also people that do not like video games who would profit on reading about the potential and extremely valuable side of playing video games.


considering the following P2:


Q: Who is your targeted audience in Major Assignment 3?

A: People only read about what they are already interested in. There needs to be some previous connection. If you are totally disconnected from a subject, you simply hate it (imagine BIG Brother, or Ridiculousness through the eyes of a seventeen century French culture lover, who reads Poe, Voltaire, and Dumas), you will simply not even look at what is written. My target audience is therefore, somehow, connected to the videogame industry.

Q: How will you go about meeting the expectations of that audience?

A: Almost everyone has an opinion about videogames. Opinions are based on scientific evidence, or any other fundamented source. I will meet the expectations of the audience by ruling out biases opinions and delivering them straightforward information which is pertinent to the subject. 


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Howard B Tinberg
4 years ago

Hi Sonia:
You clearly and with precision list the elements of the profile from the text: good. From there you begin to quote parts from the Clooney profile. I just wished I'd seen more analysis and commentary about what those sections are doing in the profile.
Still--this is a helpful post.