Reflection on Your “Composition in Three Genres”


In this reflection, you will analyze the process of moving from your research essay to your composition project, as well as think through questions that involve certain key terms. Think about what rhetorical choices you have made, and consider the following questions:


  • What barriers in communicating to your audience(s) did you encounter? How did you overcome these barriers?

I have not found a barrier per say when in fact I had more than enough sources to guide me. Probably the challenge was having to pick a few from a vast majority. Other than that, I believe I achieved my purpose by captivating my audience attention delivering the correct messaging.


  • Audience— who was your intended audience for Major Assignment #3?

My target audience are entities connected to the videogame industry or people who have a special love-hate relationship with videogames and are bent on making a dent on the industry. 


  • Genre—why did you choose the three genres that you did? How did the genre affect the audience choice?

The script for a YouTube channel was chosen because of the relation between video-games and technology. Through this type of media one can easily reach my intended target audience, particularly in the present time.  As for the Newspaper article, I took in consideration that basically everyone reads newspapers, even if on an on-line platform (cellphone, pc, I-pad, etc.). For the info-graphic I chose a flyer which included information about the main key terms of the topic at hands and created a bridge between the images and colors that were better suited to illustrate the relevant information and capture the attention of those ‘’on the go’’ and even the less gifted.


  • Process—how was the composing process for your “composition in three genres” different from that for your research essay?

Composing for my research project involved again, a lot of different readings that proved to be helpful and were used to guide me and keep me focused on my key terms and audience. Composition in three genres was a little more worrying but considering all the previous, studied material they were carried out naturally and concluded in their specific genres. The previous essay was more straight forward in my opinion (one genre only).


  • Purpose—what was your purpose? how did the choice of genre affect your purpose?

The purpose was to understand the scope and role of video-games in writing across three genres, one being an infographic. The choice of genre did not really affect my purpose because I had a clear idea all along of the target audience, and so I knew to who I was writing and why. I adapted my content, and delivered it in the desired genres, always bearing in mind to whom I was going to write it to.

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Howard B Tinberg
4 years ago

Hi Sonia:
I see your choice of genres and reasons. I just wish you'd be more precise in naming your intended audience, so that the choice of genres becomes clearer for those particular audiences.