Short Assignment #2

Define Genre

[Part #1]

Genre is at the heart of literature and it goes beyond just defining and mentioning the exiting different genres. I consider the four main genres to be poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. All of these genres have specific elements and functions that distinguish them from one another. A fictional story may be an exciting delight, appealing to the senses and imaginary, even though it is not a real story. In literature, genres such as poems and fiction, for example, share similar concepts and yet have very different styles. Each genre has its subcategories with its many styles, according to purpose, message, and intended audience. 

Past experiences that have contributed to this definition.

Fictional movies are my favorite, but in this area, the ones that appeal to me the most are the Sci-Fi oriented (Science Fiction). ‘’The Count of Monte Cristo’’, ‘’The Butterfly Effect’’, ‘’Gravity’’ are the pieces that helped me form this definition.

What does (Writing in the Works) have to say about “genre” (pp. 3-5): quote a key passage.

‘’A genre is a type of writing – from an informative report to a blog posting – and each type of writing requires particular rhetorical moves’’. pg.3

(Writing in the Works)

How does your definition of “genre” compare with the textbook’s?

It compares with the ones in the textbook because it mentions that each type requires particular rhetorical moves. Rhetorical moves, ways of persuading the reader, are essential in any piece of literature. I think it gets back to the types of characteristics that a genre offers that is intriguing. As I said, Poetry for example is filled with imagery and figurative language, yet good poetry engages the senses. You get those same characteristics in fiction, yet the main difference is how poetry condenses those attributes.

Define Genre (Commencement address) Part #2

Bring another commencement addresses you’ve seen/heard:

Tim Minchin's Address at UWA

What is similar regarding both addresses (Collins’ commencement address and Tim Minchin's address) is the similar use of rhetoric, the use of valid, worldwide accepted facts to prove certain points. 

Major differences?

Tim Minchin relies much more on comedy to get his audience engaged and has, in my opinion, a more structured formula, very bullet point-like.

Based on these observations, what are you able to say about the conventions or qualities of a commencement address?

I can say that a good commencement address needs to be particularly engaging and rhetorical unbreakable. This will provide that the audience will stay with the speaker and be convinced by his rhetoric. It should also have valuable advice for the future.

Find at least two more commencement addresses online (verbal text or video) Be sure to link to the examples.

Ryan Burtons, of La Plata High School

George W. Bush congratulated and commiserated with graduates of Texas A&M University

What qualities shown.

The use of comedy and facts.

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