Short Assignment #3



How do you define audience and how is audience important to writing? 

To whom we are writing, in other words, who will read what we have written, is always associated with the purpose and the Genre. Therefore, the content that the writer puts out will determine the audience when a writer chooses a genre, he does it because of his own preferred writing style, that preference and writing style will attract a specific audience. That specific audience enjoys that genre. The purpose is shared among them, being one active and the other one passive. Making sense of the structure is empirical by the audience and so the natural need to follow it with attention to planning. For example, it is impossible to stress enough the importance of knowing how many guards a bank does have, the type of alarm, and when the vault most filled with live money before robbing it. Failure to do so will result in a shameful arrest and a consequent non-consensual love affair at the state penitentiary. This is called planning. Just like a proper bank robbing, we must plan our text properly.


What audience do you think Livingston and Anzaldua are trying to reach? 

Donovan Livingston’s spoken word commencement address is oriented for his colleagues, family, the teachers and even the staff. In ‘’Gloria Anzaldua’s essay/memoir on language, culture, and identity’’, she is trying to reach both immigrants and non-immigrants alike: immigrants so that they know they are not alone; American’s so that. Trough pity, they become nicer to people speaking ''yadayayda'' and ‘’andale’’ in a anglophone country.’


What evidence do you have for thinking so? Please quote at least one passage from each to support your claim.


‘’So, if you want to really hurt me, talk badly about my language. Ethnic identity is twin skin to linguistic identity - I am my language. Until I can take pride in my language, I cannot take pride in myself. Until I can accept as legitimate Chicano Texas Spanish, Tex-Mex, and all the other languages I speak, I cannot accept the legitimacy of myself’’. (pg39,  how to tame a wild tongue’’)

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